
Nephrolithiasis-associated bone disease: pathogenesis and treatment options

Nephrolithiasis remains a formidable health problem in the United States and worldwide. A very important butunderaddressed area in nephrolithiasis is the accompanying bone disease. Epidemiologic studies have shown that osteoporotic fractures occur more frequently in patients with nephrolithiasis than in the general population. Decreased bone mineral density and defects in bone remodeling are commonly encountered … Leggi tutto

Kidney Stone Academy

Un corso on line, oramai non più FAD, sulla Fisiopatologia della Calcolosi Renale. GLi AA sono la sicurezza che il corso vale assolutamente la pena di essere visto. https://medicalfree.it/corso/fisiopatologia-della-calcolosi-renale Marco Lombardi

Altered Serum Uric Acid Levels in Kidney Disorders

Serum uric acid levels are altered by kidney disorders because the kidneys play a dominant role in uric acid excretion. Here, major kidney disorders which accompany hyperuricemia or hypouricemia, including their pathophysiology, are discussed. Chronic kidney disease (CKD) and hyperuricemia are frequently associated, but recent clinical trials have not supported the pathogenic roles of hyperuricemia … Leggi tutto

Medical Management of Kidney Stones: AUA Guideline

Purpose: The purpose of this guideline is to provide a clinical framework for the diagnosis, prevention and follow-up of adult patients with kidney stones based on the best available published literature. Conclusions: A variety of medications and dietary measures have been evaluated with greater or less rigor for their efficacy in reducing recurrence rates in … Leggi tutto