sindrome metabolica

Kidney Stone Academy

Un corso on line, oramai non più FAD, sulla Fisiopatologia della Calcolosi Renale. GLi AA sono la sicurezza che il corso vale assolutamente la pena di essere visto. Marco Lombardi


The prevalence of urolithiasis has increased worldwide over the past decades (1,2). The recently updatedguidelines on urolithiasis from the European Association of Urology (EAU) (3) represent a landmarkadvancement in the treatment of a common clinical condition because they address both the associatedrisks of urolithiasis beyond urolithiasis itself and the need for follow-up. Risks of urolithiasis … Leggi tutto

Dietary Risk Factors for Incident and Recurrent Symptomatic Kidney Stones

… Results: In fully adjusted analyses, lower dietary calcium, potassium, caffeine, phytate, and fluid intake were all associated with a higher odds of an incident symptomatic kidney stone. Among incident stone formers, 73 experienced symptomatic recurrence during a median 4.1 years of followup. Adjusting for body mass index, fluid intake, and energy intake, lower dietary … Leggi tutto

Iter diagnostico e terapia della calcolosi

La nefrolitiasi è una malattia diffusa nella popolazione generale con una prevalenza in aumento negli ultimi anni. La sua rilevanza clinica è gravata dalla tendenza a recidivare comportando così un rischio aggiuntivo di complicanze sia renali (fino alla malattia renale cronica) che extrarenali (come la malattia metabolica dell’osso). D’altra parte l’inquadramento clinico della malattia può … Leggi tutto

Which Diet for Calcium Stone Patients: A Real-World Approach to Preventive Care

 The aim of this review is to give patient-tailored dietary suggestions whatever the level of clinical and biochemistry evaluation. This can help to deliver a useful recommendation, while avoiding excessive dietary restrictions especially when they are not based on a specific diagnosis, and therefore potentially useless or even harmful. We focused our attention on calcium … Leggi tutto

Risk Factors for Kidney Stone Formation following Bariatric Surgery

Kidney stones are painful, common, and increasing in incidence. Obesity and bariatric surgery rates are also on the rise in the United States. Although bariatric surgery is associated with improvements in metabolic outcomes, malabsorptive bariatric surgery procedures are also associated with increased risk of kidney stones. Restrictive bariatric surgeries have not been associated with kidney-stone … Leggi tutto

Kidney Stones Associate with Increased Risk for Myocardial Infarction

Kidney stones are a risk factor for chronic kidney disease (CKD), which, in turn, is a risk factor for myocardial infarction (MI). The objective of this study was to determine whether kidney stones associate with an increased risk for MI. We matched 4564 stone formers (1984 through 2003) on age and gender with 10,860 control … Leggi tutto

Update on nephrolithiasis: beyond symptomatic urinary tract obstruction

Nephrolithiasis research and care have been focused on biochemical changes in urinary solute excretion leading to stone formation, but abnormalities in urine chemistry alone do not explain many aspects of the condition of patients with kidney stone disease. Evidence exists of an association with metabolic syndrome, obesity, diabetes and hypertension, and of enhanced risk of … Leggi tutto