
High-throughput sequencing contributes to the diagnosis of tubulopathies and familial hypercalcemia hypocalciuria in adults

Hereditary tubulopathies are rare diseases with unknown prevalence in adults. Often diagnosed in childhood, hereditary tubulopathies can nevertheless be evoked in adults. Precise diagnosis can be difficult or delayed due to insidious development of symptoms, comorbidities and polypharmacy. Here we evaluated the diagnostic value of a specific panel of known genes implicated in tubulopathies in … Leggi tutto

Genetic Hypercalciuria

Hypercalciuria is an important, identifiable, and reversible risk factor in stone formation. The foremost and most fundamental step in dissecting the genetics of hypercalciuria is understanding its pathophysiology. Hypercalciuria is a complex trait. This article outlines the various factors that compromise the attempt to dissect the genetics of hypercalciuria, summarizes the clinical and experimental monogenic … Leggi tutto

2 – Nephrocalcinosis and urolithiasis in children Kidney International (2012) 82, 493–497; doi:10.1038/ki.2012.142

Correction to: Kidney International (2011) 80:1278–1291; doi:10.1038/ki.2011.336 In the above-cited article, Table 2 was published with incorrect alignment of age ranges and erroneous unit changes concerning the cystine and urate excretion levels. The urate gram units needed to be multiplied by 10. In Table 1, the diagnosis related to NPT2a mutations should read ‘Urolithiasis, osteoporosis, … Leggi tutto

Nephrocalcinosis and urolithiasis in children

The incidence of adult urolithiasis has increased significantly in industrialized countries over the past decades. Sound incidence rates are not available for children, nor are they known for nephrocalcinosis, which can appear as a single entity or together with urolithiasis. In contrast to the adult kidney stone patient, where environmental factors are the main cause, … Leggi tutto

Genetics of kidney stone disease

Kidney stone disease (nephrolithiasis) is a common problem that can be associated with alterations in urinary solute composition including hypercalciuria. Studies suggest that the prevalence of monogenic kidney stone disorders, including renal tubular acidosis with deafness, Bartter syndrome, primary hyperoxaluria and cystinuria, in patients attending kidney stone clinics is ∼15%. However, for the majority of … Leggi tutto

Genetics of kidney stone disease—Polygenic meets monogenic

Kidney stone disease comprising nephrolithiasis and nephrocalcinosis is a clinical syndrome of increasing prevalence with remarkable heterogeneity. Stone composition, age of manifestation, rate of recurrence, and impairment of kidney function varies with underlying etiologies. While calcium-based kidney stones account for the vast majority their etiology is still poorly understood. Recent studies underline the notion that … Leggi tutto

Sindrome di Bartter, grave patologia renale rara orfana di farmaci: un passo avanti verso la terapia mediante studi farmacogenetici ed epidemiologici

Le sindromi di Bartter (BS tipo 1-5) rappresentano un gruppo di tubulopatie renali rare a carattere autosomico recessivo che si manifestano con fenotipi clinici parzialmente sovrapponibili caratterizzati da perdita di sali, alcalosi metabolica, ipokaliemica, poliuria, polidipsia, debolezza muscolare e ritardo della crescita. Tali patologie sono dovute a un difetto nel riassorbimento dello ione sodio, potassio … Leggi tutto